Sleep has become a precious and rare resource, like energy, water, silence, and darkness. The transformation of work, especially with the advent of the internet and technologies that keep us always connected, has made our professions more invasive, negatively influencing the quality of our sleep. Naturally, there are various problems that can affect sleep, related to how we eat, live, past pains, the materials we use, and the context in which we live. Recently, many studies have tried to find answers to this major theme. Tests and research on samples of patients, both large and small, are providing scientists with increasingly precise answers. Recent studies in Sweden have found increasingly precise answers on this topic, identifying 6 main rules to improve sleep. By following these tips, you could achieve unexpected and immediate benefits.

  1. Use breathing techniques
  2. Get out of bed if you can't sleep
  3. Control the room temperature
  4. Listen to white noise
  5. Pay attention to what you eat in the evening
  6. Consider getting a new mattress

Try these tips to improve the quality of your sleep! And for an even deeper and more restorative rest, try LifeBion, click here to learn more.

Source: Esquire Italia, click here to read the original news.


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